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Price, A. M., Perkins, K. K., Holmes, N. G. & Wieman, C. E. How and why do high school teachers use PhET interactive simulations?. Physics Education Research Conference 2018 (Traxler, A., Cao, Y. & Wolf, S.) (2018). doi:10.1119/
Madden, J. H. et al. Virtual Reality as a Teaching Tool for Moon Phases and Beyond. Physics Education Research Conference 2018 (Traxler, A., Cao, Y. & Wolf, S.) (2018). doi:10.1119/
Walsh, C., Quinn, K. N. & Holmes, N. G. Assessment of critical thinking in physics labs: concurrent validity. Physics Education Research Conference 2018 (Traxler, A., Cao, Y. & Wolf, S.) (2018). doi:10.1119/
Tapping, R., Lepage, G. P. & Holmes, N. G. Visualizing patterns in CSEM responses to assess student conceptual understanding. Physics Education Research Conference 2018 (Traxler, A., Cao, Y. & Wolf, S.) (2018). doi:10.1119/
Smith, E. M., Stein, M. M. & Holmes, N. G. Surprise! Shifting students away from model-verifying frames in physics labs. Physics Education Research Conference 2018 (Traxler, A., Cao, Y. & Wolf, S.) (2018). doi:10.1119/
Quinn, K. N., Wieman, C. E. & Holmes, N. G. Interview Validation of the Physics Lab Inventory of Critical thinking (PLIC). 2017 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings (American Association of Physics Teachers, 2018). doi:10.1119/



Holmes, N. G. & Wieman, C. E. Preliminary development and validation of a diagnostic of critical thinking for introductory physics labs. 2016 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings (Jones, D. L., Ding, L. & Traxler, A. L.) (American Association of Physics Teachers, 2016). doi:10.1119/
Strubbe, L. E., Ives, J., Holmes, N. G., Bonn, D. A. & Sumah, N. Kwaku. Developing student attitudes in the first-year physics laboratory. 2016 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings (Jones, D. L., Ding, L. & Traxler, A. L.) (American Association of Physics Teachers, 2016). doi:10.1119/


Holmes, N. G. Developing Quantitative Critical Thinking in the Introductory Physics Lab. Physics Education Research Conference 2015 (Churukian, A. D., Jones, D. L. & Ding, L.) (2015). doi:10.1119/perc.2015.plenary.001
Wieman, C. E. & Holmes, N. G. Measuring the impact of introductory physics labs on learning and critical thinking. 2015 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings (Churukian, A. D., Jones, D. L. & Ding, L.) (2015). doi:10.1119/
Holmes, N. G. & Wieman, C. E. Assessing modeling in the lab: Uncertainty and measurement. 2015 Conference on Laboratory Instruction Beyond the First Year of College (Eblen-Zayas, M., Behringer, E. & Kozminski, J.) (2015). doi:10.1119/


Day, J., Holmes, N. G., Roll, I. & Bonn, D. A. Finding Evidence of Transfer with Invention Activities: Teaching the Concept of Weighted Average. Physics Education Research Conference (Engelhardt, P. V., Churukian, A. D. & Jones, D. L.) (American Association of Physics Teachers, 2014). doi:10.1119/