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Research list as Current: 

CPERL group published 6 papers in the PERC proceedings

PERC papers have been published, and CPERL work has been featured extensively! Check out all the great articles:

Madden, J. H., Won, A. S., Schuldt, J. P., Kim, B., Pandita, S., Sun, Y., … Holmes, N. G. (2018). Virtual Reality as a Teaching Tool for Moon Phases and Beyond. In Adrienne Traxler, Ying Cao, & Steven Wolf (Eds.), Physics Education Research Conference 2018. Washington, DC.

ALI Labs project featured in Cornell Chronicle

The third course in the three-course ALI lab sequence was recently featured in the Cornell Chronicle. Great comments from students and faculty about the experience students had designing and carrying out their own experiments. My favorite: "I definitely made more friends because we had to collaborate."

Come work with us!

Two Educational Postdoctoral positions are available at Cornell University:

The anticipated start date for the appointments is August 1, 2018. The review of applications will begin on July 15, 2018 and will continue until a suitable candidate is selected. You can find more details about the positions, and instructions about how to apply:

Educational Teaching Postdoc


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