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PER Special Seminar: Mark Freeman (University of Alberta)

Mark Freeman will be presenting a special seminar during the standard Journal Club time (details below). Please contact Prof. Holmes if you would like to meet with Mark while he is in town (email ngholmes[at]cornell[dot]edu).

When: Monday, September 25th, 2-3pm

Where: Clark 309

Title: A Science Hardware Makerspace

Mats Selen (UIUC) visit

Mats Selen will be visiting CPERL on Friday April 21st. He will be leading a breakfast discussion with graduate students and postdocs through the Center for Teaching Excellence, a pizza lunch with Department of Physics graduate students, and an afternoon presentation in the physics department. Contact Professor Holmes ( if you would like to meet with him. His bio, talk title, and abstract are below.

Breakfast discussion
8:30am - 9:45am, 401 PSB

We're recruiting!

CPERL is looking to hire a postdoc (to work on the active learning intiative grant), graduate students, and undergraduate students. Full-time and part-time opportunities are available. Contact Prof. Holmes for more details. 

Active Learning Initiative Grant

The physics department was awarded an Active Learning Initiative grant from the college of Arts and Sciences to redesign and evaluate the introductory physics lab courses at Cornell. Professor Natasha Holmes will be PI on the initiative, working with a team of faculty and graduate students to determine learning goals, design activities, and analyze outcomes. Contact Prof. Holmes if you're interested in getting involved in some way.

Lewandowski visit

Professor Heather Lewandowski from CU-Boulder visited us to discuss her work in advanced lab courses. She presented at the LASSP and A&EP seminar about "Engaging Students in Authentic Scientific Practices in Physics Lab Courses". 
